Introduction Almost everything tech related I do on my computers revolves around my terminal. So naturally I have spent quite some time setting up my terminal the way I want it to with auto-completing, aliases and what not to optimize my workflow. And I must admit, it never stops evolving. Which is one of the beautiful things with having your own personalized CLI environment. Why workflow matters There are alot of tools, products, APIs, IDEs, you name it, I as a cloud engineer come across....
Volume Failover with ZRS and LRS managed disks in AKS
Introduction Zone Redundant Storage (ZRS) is a redundancy option used for storage services in Azure which synchronously syncs data of a storage resource between all zones within a region, such resources might be managed disks. This is useful in cases where you want stateful workloads to be persistent throughout zone failures. Typically when managed disks are used for persistent workloads in AKS clusters the pre-installed azuredisk-csi-driver picks up the creation of PersistentVolumeClaims and provisions a managed disk in Azure which is then mounted to a node in the cluster before a pod consuming this volume is then scheduled....